Mastering Microservices a Practical Exploration — Conquering Complexity

A Step-By-Step Guide: Build Microservices Like a Pro Concept Microservices is an architectural style for building software applications as a collection of small, independent services. Each service focuses on a specific business capability and is self-contained. They may communicate with others via middlewares or APIs. When should we use Microservices? It depends… In short, the decision to use microservices should be proportional to the complexity of the system being developed.

AWS Static Web Hosting - S3, Route53, Cloudfront-SSL & More..

The video walkthrough. Steps - We Will Learn With Easy 4 Step: Create an S3 Bucket and setup static web hosting Create hosted zone in Route53, and update DNS (Domain Name System) records with domain registrar. Setup CloudFront, Configure AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) for SSL, and update Route53 record. Optional: Setup Lamda for contact api, Save to DynamoDB, and Configure API Gateway AWS Static Website with S3 & CloudfrontAWS - Static website with S3 & Cloudfront

Java Concurrency The Complete Basics Part - 2

To Read Part 1 - Basic Concurrency Concepts with Java Data and Resources Sharing Working with data and resources The very basics of datas in java are often grouped into two main memory regions. Heap and Stack. Java Memory Model is a whole different subject itself so let’s stick with Heap and Stack for simplicity. Heap Stack Data lives here and can be used by any parts of the application.

Java Concurrency The Complete Basics Part - 1

Understanding Concurrency - Meaning and concepts “Concurrency is the ability to run several programs or several parts of a program in parallel.” This definition is broad but let’s stick with it for now, it’s simple. Concurrency for our systems Computer systems can do more than one thing at a time. For example, currently while scrolling through this article on your browser, your system is running other various background services, like downloading your requested files over network, or playing the music you have been running on background, responding to the keyboard inputs, to tracking mouse events or rendering and displaying various things on your screen.